A NOTE TO FIRST TIME VISITORS: The Gone South Productions... and As-Is Fiction sites have not undergone any significant review or redesign since about 1997, and largely remain here to keep the few existing issues of As-Is Fiction available for new readers. You will find most of the email links disabled, but if you would like to contact me for some reason I still check the "ccd" address at this domain. Also worthy of note - the souvenir shop is still open although the selection is limited, and of course if you want to send me money for either the plugins or songs provided on the Destinations page, feel free ;)

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Gone South Home
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As-Is Fiction
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Partners in the Arts
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Internet Links Premiere Filters Cheesy Tunes

Contact Gone South Productions... at ccd[NoSpam]@gonesouth.com

Disclaimer: Gone South is in no way affiliated with any of the individuals or companies to which these links lead. Gone South also claims no responsibility for the material presented on these sites. All logos and graphics are the property of their respective companies or individuals unless otherwise indicated.
GONZO The Great Thompson Hunt.
FREEWARE, no really, No Nagging at all.
Parrot Island You probably guessed from our logos, there are Buffett fans at Gone South.
USPTO The US Patent and Trademark Office -
All you need to know about protecting intellectual property.
Zip Connection Our service provider, the best in the NorthWest.


Free Plug-Ins for Adobe Premiere®
Although I offer these free of charge, I would be remiss if I didn't give you the opportunity to send me some dough ($5) if you find them particularly useful: OPTIONAL:
This filter somewhat emulates an amber monochrome monitor by stripping out as much blue as possible and averaging the red and green channels. It also has an Intensity Control for dimmer images. DOWNLOAD.
This filter drags the red, green, and blue channels of an image off into separate directions. The controls here are really sensitive and will probably be revised in the future. DOWNLOAD.
A basic frame filter.DOWNLOAD.
A sine wave frame filter.DOWNLOAD.

These filters were created with Premiere's built in Filter Factory and are freely distributable as-is. The code is of course copyright Adobe Systems Incorporated and not by me so don't mess with the file itself. Also, they are unfortunately only available for the PC. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ENDORSED OR SPONSORED BY ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED, PUBLISHER OF ADOBE PREMIERE®


Here are my cheesy little compositions, use them in anything you'd like...
Although I offer these free of charge, I would be remiss if I didn't give you the opportunity to send me some dough ($5) if you find them particularly useful: OPTIONAL:
 Boggle An All Too Cheerful Tune PLAY

The Original Gone South Sound PLAY


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