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A NOTE TO FIRST TIME VISITORS: The Gone South Productions... and As-Is Fiction sites have not undergone any significant review or redesign since about 1997, and largely remain here to keep the few existing issues of As-Is Fiction available for new readers. You will find most of the email links disabled, but if you would like to contact me for some reason I still check the "ccd" address at this domain. Also worthy of note - the souvenir shop is still open although the selection is limited, and of course if you want to send me money for either the plugins or songs provided on the Destinations page, feel free ;)


Destinations South
Links, Filters, and Tunes
As-Is Fiction
Online Magazine
Gone South Home
Begin Here
Gone South Services
Training and Consulting

Contact Gone South Productions... at CLICK HERE (and edit)

Maya Cooks
Maya Cooks
I love to eat. Maya loves to cook (and she is fantastic at it, which is a plus). She documents her culinary adventures at If you ask real nice, she could cook for you as well. Maya will soon be offering personal chef and catering services in the Seattle, WA area, so stay tuned if you'd like a taste.
Art Support Web Site
Creating A Successful Career In Photography Web Site
Collecting art for love and profit is one of life's great pleasures. Where do you start? When should you Buy?


Our own private Rancho Deluxe
(an expansive one eighth of an acre), B-Bar-Lazy-B currently contains links to our respective documentation of the misadventures of 1 dog, 3 cats, 3 chickens, and 2 perfectly insane people trying to hold it all together. The sites focus on gardening, cooking, the animals and the projects at hand. Eventually, the blogs at Eighth Acre Bounty and Gary Digs will be aggregated at B-Bar-Lazy-B
Reality? Maybe...
Reality? Maybe... Web Site
The official Reality? Maybe... site, where you can find out where the band is playing next, get the latest news on upcoming releases, listen to streaming audio, download mp3's of the latest songs, shop for your favorite Reality? Maybe... recordings, and learn more than you ever wanted to know about the band and the music!

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